
Pathology 2018-10-17T04:15:27+00:00


At Anvi Diagnostic Centre we

blood diagnostic test

carry full range of

Our aim is to always diagnosis quickly, safely, accurately


An essential part of the Anvi Diagnostic Centre is the haematology and biochemistry blood test department. If your consultant has requested for you to have a blood test as part of your diagnosis and treatment, our team will receive and process your blood samples quickly and report to you, often within hours of having the blood test. This reduces the lengthy wait for results and enables your consultant to institute treatment immediately if this is required. Our team processes and reports on the full range of blood diagnostic tests, including complete haematological testing, coagulation tests, biochemistry screening, liver function, thyroid function and many other specialist blood tests.

Digital X-Ray

Digital X-Ray

Our Digital X-Ray technology uses lower level of radiation.



We process full range of Blood Diagnostic tests.



Clearer analysis of images leading to treatment faster



Diagnose how well your heart is functioning.

Faq Pathology

Haematology tests are useful for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the blood and bone marrow as well as of the Immunologic, Hemostatic (blood clotting) and vascular systems. Because of the nature of blood, the Science of Haematology profoundly affects the understanding of many diseases. The following are the Haematology laboratory investigations done at ADC using fully automated Sysmax 1800i and with the help of other biochemistry analysers.

Clinical Biochemistry testes are useful for the study of the changes that occur during diseases in the chemical composition and Biochemical mechanism of the body. The following are the Clinical Biochemistry investigations done at ADC using fully automated Analyzers such as Randox: Daytona, Biokit – EQA, Medica -Easylyte Plus electrolyte analyzers, etc.

The blood glucose test is ordered to measure the amount of glucose in the blood at the time of sample collection. It is mainly used to detect both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, to help detect/diagnose diabetes and to monitor glucose levels in people with diabetes. Blood glucose may be measured on a fasting basis (2nd sample collected after 90 mins and 3rd sample collected after 120 mins) randomly (anytime), post prandial (after a meal) and/or as part of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT/GTT). The following are the investigations related to monitoring blood glucose levels.

There is a group of tests for assessing the excretory functions of the kidneys.

The lipid profile is a group of tests that are done to determine risk of coronary heart disease. They are known to be good indicators of whether someone is prone to have heart disease caused by blockage of blood vessels, hardening of the arteries etc. The lipid profile typically includes the following tests:

A liver function test is used to detect, evaluate and monitor liver diseases or liver damage using the following tests.

Serology and immunology tests are based on the antigen – antibody reaction in serum. It is a blood test to detect the presence of antigen or antibodies against a micro organism. Certain micro organisms stimulate the body to produce antibodies and also exhibit antigens during an active infection that can be used as a marker to diagnose past and active infections respectively. The Biochemical parameters such as hormones etc are being quantified based on antigen – antibodies reaction principles .Hence it is included in this section. The following are the serology/Immunology tests carried at ADC with fully automated Abbott – Axsym chemiluminence analyzer, rapid ELISA and other manual methods.

Hormones are chemical substances produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs. These tests detect the presence and measure the quantity of specific hormone in health and disease

The following are the hormones estimation done at ADC using Abbott – Axsym chemiluminence analyzer.

To diagnose and follow the course of a Hepatitis B or A or C infection and also to determine if the vaccine against hepatitis has produced the desired level of immunity, the following tests are done at ADC

It is used to screen pregnant women and newborns for antibodies. They determine the presence of infectious diseases included in the set of tests. It is done if either the mother or the newborn has symptoms. The blood test can determine if the person has had a recent infection, a past infection, or has never been exposed to the virus. The following Torch Panel tests are done at ADC

Tumour markers are helpful for diagnosis of cancer. The following are the marker tested at ADC

The following tests are done at ADC to measure/monitor the amount of drug level present in the blood and determine whether the drug concentrations are within the therapeutic range.

Microbiological techniques are done to determine the nature of infectious diseases by identifying causative microbes and test the ability of various antibiotics to inhibit or kill the isolated micro organisms. The following Microbiologic culture tests are done at ADC

It is done to determine the presence of Microbes in the biological specimen by appropriate staining and microscopic examination.

Urine Tests:
These are done for providing information to assist in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of a wide range of diseases. In addition, it can be done to determine whether a woman is pregnant. Urine can also be tested for a variety of substances related to drug abuse.

This test checks for parasites and Gastroenterological bleeding and excretion of undigested sugar & occult or hidden blood in stool. The following are the stool test done at ADC

Microscopic examination of tissues or infected cells in order to study the manifestations of disease. At ADC Histopathological investigations are outsourced to competent pathologists.

What Client’s Say

One of the best diagnostic center in Kalher, Thane. Friendly and Caring Staff
